What is Raw Milk? It is safe or not!

It is good to consume milk but is it right to eat raw milk? If it is called raw milk then what can be the benefits and what can be the benefits, we will talk about all these things in detail.

What is Raw Milk

What is Raw Milk?

Raw milk means the milk which is directly extracted from cows, cattle, sheep and other animals, which does not have to go through any process and reaches home directly, is called raw milk. This is a milk which is not pasteurized and due to this harmful bacteria remains in it.

Raw Milk Pros

  • Raw milk contains natural enzymes, vitamins and beneficial bacteria that enhance your nutrient absorption and digestive system.
  • It also contains a lot of beneficial probiotics that improve gut health.
  • Many people believe that raw milk has a natural taste that is better and different from the taste of pasteurized milk.

Raw Milk Cons

  • Raw milk may contain many dangerous pathogens like E. coli, salmonella and listeria which can cause serious health problems for people.
  • Many health organizations like the CDC and the FDA say that this milk should not be consumed as it may pose a risk of contamination.
  • Hygiene and refrigeration are the must requirements to reduce bacterial growth.


Keeping all these pros and cons in mind, it is very easy to say that consuming raw milk is not at all safe for the human body. It is true that it can give you some nutritional benefits but more than that, it can be dangerous for you. The reason is that it contains a lot of bad bacteria and it can harm your body to a great extent.

Pasteurized milk is the best for consuming. Therefore, do not drink raw milk at all, instead consume pasteurized milk so that there is no harm to your health. Read Also: 8 Best Indian Street Foods that are good for Health


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