What is Digital Marketing? – Types, Uses and Examples

What is Digital Marketing

At present, wherever you look, you will be able to see something related to online. That is, most of the things in our life are connected to online. And you can do all these facilities with just a small device in your hand.

If you are going anywhere, booking tickets for anything, train ticket, flight ticket, recharge, bill payments, online transactions, now you can do everything through your small smartphone, that too sitting at home. Because of this, at present, digital marketing is attracting a lot of business. That is, this name of digital marketing is becoming bigger and it will not stop now.

According to research, in today’s time 80% of the people do research, know about them before buying anything, see reviews about them and then decide whether to buy any product or not. And because of this, big companies also keep doing a lot of advertisements while paying attention to their products, which in a way comes under the category of digital marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?

If we answer these questions in one line, then the method of marketing any kind of product or goods through digital means is called digital marketing. The simple meaning of digital marketing is that if you connect with online marketing in any way, then it is called digital marketing. You can connect with it in any way such as through the internet and to use it, you can use any smartphone, computer, laptop.

According to the report, these terms were first used in the 1980s, but even after many attempts, it was not established. And later in the 1990s, finally this name started being used in the world.

Digital marketing is a simple process of connecting with any people. For example, if you want to sell any product and want to present that product in front of everyone, then you can use any advertisement. With this your product reaches everyone very quickly and everyone recognises it. It reaches a lot of people in a very short time, that’s why it is very popular on the internet.

Many people will know that through this advertisement, people’s data is taken and by analyzing it, it is found out what people want. Meaning if you want to sell a product, then how much people want that product, how much people liked it, all these details come to you, so that you can improve your product. And that’s why this marketing technique is very popular for any kind of business person.

Importance of Digital Marketing

According to some reports, in 2023, about 67% of the world’s population uses the Internet. This means that about 65 out of 100 people use the Internet. And to avail the facility of this Internet, he has any device such as smartphone, laptop and computer.

This means that in today’s time, most people live in the online world. People have very little time in comparison to earlier. To meet any person, video call or any chatting app is used like WhatsApp Facebook Messenger or Instagram. That is, people have even more available internet, with the help of which he can do any work very easily, which is done sitting at home and it also takes very little time to do all this. And digital marketing has also become a big place for itself on this Internet world.

If you want to buy any item, you do not have time, you cannot go to the market and buy that thing, then you just have a smartphone, then you can order and buy any item under few minutes. You just have to go to shopping website and after ordering, people come to your house and deliver the product within a few days. This saves a lot of your time. And this shopping that you are doing is also a part of digital marketing, that is, if you are ordering anything digitally or looking at anything, then it is a part of digital marketing.

In the present time, this has become necessary. Not only people, but big companies also use this strategy so that their products reach as many people as possible within a short time. So, you should also adopt this marketing strategy so that you can also get a great facility, that too within a short time.

Futures of Digital Marketing

Futures of Digital Marketing

If you talk about the old times, then the internet was not so popular then. But today more and more people in the whole world use the internet and everything is available at one place. Today, teaching any language has become very easy at home and if all this is happening then it is because of the internet. Because by using the internet, you can get as much information about any place as possible and can learn any language very easily.

At present, digital marketing is used a lot. Any businessman can send his product to the people within a very short time. This has made their business even easier.

If you look at the advertising system of the old times, then posters were pasted in any newspaper or on the wall, which people used to see and read and after seeing and reading for a lot of time, they used to recognize the brand. Not only this, it was also very difficult to reach people. Because if you live in a village then you might know that it is very difficult for newspapers to reach the village.

But let’s talk about advertising, you all know that social media is a very big online platform like Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram etc. In all these platforms, the merchant does a small advertisement of his product, people get attracted and order the product and this is also a very simple way to buy anything, it benefits both the merchant and the buyer.

This means that in digital marketing, their productivity rate has increased compared to the last few years and the activity rate has also increased. Selling and buying any product digitally is easy. When you see any kind of product in the newspaper, you have to go to the shop to buy that product. But if you see any product digitally and you like it, then you just have to click on buy and it will reach your home within a few days. That is, at present, the saying “Jo Dikha Hai Wohi Bikta Hai” is the best example for the digital market.

Types of Digital Marketing

Types of Digital Marketing

Although there is many types of digital marketing, you simply need to have internet. Now there are many such applications and websites on the internet through which you can do different types of marketing. Most of the marketing strategies are very similar, you just have to know about the technology of the platform and what is that, we will talk about it further.

1. Google (Search Engine Optimization or SEO)

Google is the largest search engine in the world, many types of websites rank in it, you can find the answer to any question through this platform. And on this website you can also write about your product and give information so that people buy your product. And for this, the technology of your website or article should be good and the keyword should be good.

2. Social Media

When it comes to social media, there are many big platforms where people do digital marketing. For example Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. You can do marketing on social media in two ways, one is advertisement and the other is engagement. If you have an account on any platform and have a lot of followers in it, then you can do digital marketing there too. In this way, you can advertise your product so that everyone gets an impression of your product.

3. Email Marketing

Just like social media, email marketing is also a very big world. If you have any kind of email, then you will know that a lot of advertisement related emails keep coming in it and this is called email marketing. And all these companies work very hard to get your email address, like if you register your email on any website, then the future updates of that website will start coming to your email.

4. Youtube Channel

Perhaps you do not need to be told what YouTube marketing is. Talking about a simple example, you must have also seen videos on YouTube and you too must have some popular YouTuber. Sometimes you must have seen in his video that he is promoting any product. Not only this, companies also do marketing by running their ads on these YouTube channels.

5. Apps Marketing

Apps marketing is also very popular, at present, if you are a programmer and you know coding, then you can make any simple app very easily. There are many such apps available in the market which people install and use the features of those apps. And by creating such apps, one gets a lot of money which is a part of digital marketing.

Uses of Digital Marketing

This marketing has many uses but we will tell you some of the most important points which may be very useful for you.

Uses of Digital Marketing

As mentioned, is done in many ways and you must have seen its list above. You can create your own website and can also bring a lot of traffic from it if your marketing strategy is right.

Like you can analyze the traffic of your website and you can check what people want to see on the search console. This will let you know what your audience wants from you.

You have to pay full attention to all the topics and provide quality content to the people. First you have to believe in the thing you are giving, then your belief has to be connected with the belief of the people. That is, if you yourself believe in your product, then people will also believe in your product.

This will also increase your selling rate because you are giving what people like. And all this happens when you yourself believe in your product. If you are building your website, then keep its email subscription on so that you can give future updates to people using email marketing. This will lead to growth in your business.


As mentioned earlier, digital marketing is a medium with the help of which you can grow your business very quickly and can easily deliver your product to everyone. By using this medium, you can know about your users, what they like and what they don’t like. Digital marketing is a huge future at the present time and it will benefit both users and businessmen. Read Also: How to make Credit Card to Bank transfer money: 3 the simplest way

Hope digital marketing will benefit you a lot

Course help you to grow your Digital Marketing Skill

Here are some courses for beginners:

  • Foundations of Digital Marketing and E-commerce
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Attract and Engage Customers
  • Marketing Plan
  • Social Media Marketing: Introduction

All these courses are for advanced users:

  • SEO Strategies
  • Influencer Marketing Strategy
  • Web Design Strategy
  • Marketing Research Report
  • SEO Tactics


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