8 Indian Superfoods to Burn Belly Fat Quickly

by Taja Khaabar

Sept 05, 2024


Turmeric contains curcumin salt compound which helps in fat accumulation by regulating metabolism and improving digestion. It can be consumed by mixing it in caraway or milk, which will burn fat.


It contains sufficient amount of nutrients and antioxidants, with the help of which oxidative stress is reduced and weight loss is helped. Its powder can be mixed in smoothies or can also be given in tea.


Due to the content of vitamin C, it helps in boosting metabolism and digestion. It plays an important role in fat utilization to a great extent, its juice can be taken on an empty stomach.


This food contains omega 3 fatty acids and fiber, it basically promotes weight and helps in reducing belly fat. It can be mixed in salads or smoothies.

Curry Leaves

These leaves are detoxifying and help reduce fat accumulation by improving digestion and boosting metabolism. Consuming them on an empty stomach is very helpful.


Known for its pharmaceutical properties, it helps in increasing body temperature and boosting metabolism. It supports fat loss, so you can take it in daily tea and is also given in curries.

Coconut Oil

It is full of medium chain triglycerides, it helps in boosting metabolism and burning stored fat. It can be used in cooking or can also be added to meals.

Moong Dal

It is a great source of protein and fiber based on plan, it contains less calories and also helps in reducing belly fat. It can be given in soups or curries for weight management.

Next: 8 Reasons to Drink Young Coconut Water Daily

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