7 Symptoms of Dehydration


Dehydration simply means lack of water in the body. If there is any kind of lack of water in the body, it is called dehydration and when this happens, some symptoms appear which indicate that the body is dehydrated.

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When there is a lack of water, the mouth and throat become dry because water is needed for saliva production.

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If you do not drink water for a long time or drink less water, the urine color becomes deep yellow. If the urine color is light yellow, it means your body is hydrated, if the urine becomes colorless, it means you are over hydrated.

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When dehydrated, one feels low energy and feels tired.

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Dehydration also causes dizziness and lightheadedness and this is especially felt when someone is in a standing position. The reason for this is due to the effect on blood pressure and brain function.

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Due to lack of moisture in the body, the skin becomes dry and flaky.

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Lack of water can cause brain headaches and migraines because it decreases the flooding around the brain.

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Dehydration can cause electrolyte imbalances and can lead to muscle cramps and spasms.

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Taja Khaabar

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