How to control diabetes using foods at home?

If we talk about chronic diseases, then the most commonly recognized disease is Diabetes. Normally two types of diabetes are seen in people, one is caused by inefficient insulin production, which call type 1 diabetes. If the insulin in the body is ineffective, it’s called type 2 diabetes.

How to control diabetes

If sugar is not controlled properly, then the body is incapable of preventing a serious disease called damaged kidney issue. The major treatment for diabetes is medicine, but many people want some natural way to keep diabetes under control. So, we will tell you about some simple methods and effective foods which will basically control your sugar level, which will reduce the chances of blood sugar.

Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes is normally detected through blood checks but there are some natural symptoms that indicate diabetes. The list of symptoms is given below.

  • Frequent urination
  • Excessive urge
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Extreme hunger
  • Fatigue
  • Slow healing sores
  • Frequent inspections
  • Blurred vision

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you must consult a doctor as soon as possible. Because if any disease is detected at an early stage, it can be easily controlled. Also Read: How Sleep affect your health? the full guidence, why sleep is more important to your health

Foods for Diabetes Control

Foods for Diabetes Control

There are many ways to control diabetes, but there are some foods that are normally present in the house which can control your blood sugar level. If you have question in your mind How can i prevent diabetes naturally here is the answer.

1. Bitter Melon (Karela)

This is a type of vegetable which basically helps in controlling blood sugar level. It contains some compounds that mimic insulin and help in reducing blood sugar level. Adding it to juice or vegetable can be beneficial for you.

2. Fenugreek Seeds

These seeds contain a good amount of soluble fiber which slows down digestion and carbohydrate absorption, which helps in controlling blood sugar level. You can soak these seeds in a glass of water for the whole night and in the morning you can eat these seeds by mixing it with water.

3. Okra (Lady’s Finger)

It contains fiber and very low amount of glycemic which helps in controlling blood sugar level. It contains some compounds that are capable of reducing glucose level in the blood. Drinking okra water or mixing it in food can be effective.

4. Moringa (Drumstick Tree Leaves)

Moringa contains anti-diabetic properties which help in regulating blood sugar level as it increases insulin secretion. It can be eaten by sprinkling it on smoothies or salads.

5. Cinnamon

It improves insulin sensitivity and helps in reducing blood sugar level. You can mix it in coffee or food, which will give a beneficial effect.

6. Amla

This fruit contains vitamin C and antioxidants which help in controlling blood sugar level. It can be consumed as juice or you can eat it raw. It improves insulin sensitivity and helps in reducing glucose from the blood.

7. Flaxseeds

It contains high fiber and omega 3 fatty acids and helps in managing blood sugar levels and improving heart health. You can eat flax seeds by mixing them in smoothie, yogurt or oatmeal which will be beneficial for you.

Lifestyle changes tips for diabetes control

Not only food, you can also help in managing diabetes by making a little change in your lifestyle.

  • Regular exercise: According to some research, a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise per week is necessary for a sedentary life. Physical activity helps in improving insulin sensitivity and also helps in controlling blood sugar levels. Therefore, you can do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise by doing exercises like walking, cycling and swimming.
  • Balanced diet: A good diet helps a lot in keeping your life healthy. You can add ingredients like vegetables, fruits, lean protein, whole grains in your daily diet which will help in managing diabetes. Try to avoid processed foods, sugary, and high carb snacks.
  • Good sleep: Poor sleep can affect the sensitivity of insulin and this can also imbalance the blood sugar level. So try to get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep per night.
  • Stress Management: Stress can have a negative impact on blood sugar levels. So adopt techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises to control stress.
  • Hydration: Staying hydrated is important to keep the body overall healthy as it also plays a huge role in maintaining blood sugar levels. So avoid sugary drinks and drink simple normal water.

Note: This article is made for information purpose. If you really have any problem related to diabetes, then you must consult your doctor. Many foods do not work in different conditions of the body and eating them can be dangerous for the patient.

Kritika Banerjee

Hi, I’m Kritika Banerjee, a part-time writer for Taja Khaabar with a passion for health and wellness. Here, you’ll find tips for a balanced lifestyle, nutritious recipes, and insights on mental well-being. Join me on this journey to better health, and let’s discover the best version of ourselves together. Let's thrive together.

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