Top 10 Most Expensive Cities In The World 2023: Know which is the most expensive city in the world

Top 10 Most Expensive Cities In The World 2023: According to the Economist Intelligence Unit Worldwide Cost of Living Survey, we have told about the most expensive 10 cities in 2023. And Singapore comes at the top of this list and Singapore City Zurich comes at number two. According to this report, no city of India is in the most expensive cities list in this top 10 list. So let’s know which are these most expensive cities.

Top 10 Most Expensive Cities In The World 2023

10 Most Expensive Cities In The World 2023

According to the AIU report, a survey was conducted from August 14 to September 11th in which they covered 173 cities in this survey. They compared more than 200 products at 400 different prices in this survey. Singapore has got the top rank because of their expensive grocery, alcohol, clothes and private car ownership.

According to this survey, the price of more than 200 products and services has increased by 7.4% compared to the last few years. They say that the price of the product has decreased in comparison to 2022, but the price has increased according to the price of 2017 to 2021. Due to this, Los Angeles has come at number 6 in this list and San Francisco city of United States has come at number 10.

India’s name is not anywhere in the list of most expensive cities, but still Singapore is at the top among Asian countries. And after that, another Asian country’s city is also included in this list at number 5 and that is Hong Kong. There are many reasons for the price increase of things but the biggest reason has been given to two regions, first is Covid-19 due to which a different kind of hunger was spread all over the world. The second reason is Ukraine which has brought the economy of many countries so far.

Just like two cities are available in this list in Asian countries, similarly 4 European cities are available in this list and the most expensive things in it are things like grocery and clothes. For this, Zurich Switzerland city is at number 2 and Geneva of Switzerland is also at number 3. Paris of France is at number 7 and Copenhagen of Denmark is at number 8.

AIU has ranked Israel’s Tel Aviv city ninth but this survey was done before Israel’s Human Rights War and it is possible that after this war their prices have become even more expensive, especially in food products. Because this is an unexpected thing and if this survey had been done after this war, then probably this city would have ranked even higher in the list of expensive cities. Read Also: 8 Best website that can make you deadly payments

RankCityCountryIndex (New York=100)
4New YorkUS100
5Hong KongHong Kong*98
6Los AngelesUS97
9Tel AvivIsrael89
10San FranciscoUS86


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